
LECTIO PRECURSORIA: Opiskelun tukeminen mobiililaitteiden ja pedagogisen vaiheistuksen avulla.

Jari J. Laru: Lectio (puhe) 12.10.2012 Jari J. Laru: LECTIO PRECURSORIA (Puhe väitöstilaisuuden alussa) Väitöstilaisuus 12.10.2012 Oulun yliopiston Kasvatustieteiden tiedekunnan luentosalissa klo 12. Kunnioitettu kustos, arvoisa vastaväittäjä, hyvät naiset ja herrat. Väitöskirjani nimi on Opiskelun tukeminen mobiililaitteiden ja pedagogisen vaiheistuksen avulla. Älypuhelimet, taulutietokoneet ja muut mobiililaitteet ovat esimerkki jokapaikan tietotekniikasta, joka toimii huomaamattomasti ja sulautuu…

Juhlapuheet Puheet Teknologiatuettu oppiminen ja opetus Tieteelliset tilaisuudet Väitöskirja

LECTIO PRECURSORIA (Opiskelun tukeminen mobiililaitteiden ja pedagogisen vaiheistuksen avulla)

Jari J. Laru: LECTIO PRECURSORIA(Puhe väitöstilaisuuden alussa)Väitöstilaisuus 12.10.2012 Oulun yliopiston Kasvatustieteiden tiedekunnan luentosalissa klo 12. Puheeni videoituna: Puheeni kirjallisena: Kunnioitettu kustos, arvoisa vastaväittäjä, hyvät naiset ja herrat. Väitöskirjani nimi on Opiskelun tukeminen mobiililaitteiden ja pedagogisen vaiheistuksen avulla. Älypuhelimet, taulutietokoneet ja muut mobiililaitteet ovat esimerkki jokapaikan tietotekniikasta, joka toimii huomaamattomasti ja sulautuu ympäristöönsä osaksi kaikkialla läsnä…

introduction thesis

Introduction: Scaffolding learning activities with collaborative scripts and mobile devices

The use of mobile devices, including mobile phones and tablets, is a growing trend in education. The practice has been widely technology driven and often justified simply by the importance of using new technology in a classroom and by claiming such devices to be important in reaching something referred to, although not that well defined,…

papers thesis

Paper 4: Supporting small-group learning using multiple Web 2.0 tools: A case study inthe higher education context

Abstract: In this single-case study, small groups of learners were supported by use of multiple social software tools and face-to-face activities in the context of higher education. The aim of the study was to explore how designed learning activities contribute to students’ learning outcomes by studying probabilistic dependencies between the variables. Explorative Bayesian classification analysis revealed…

papers thesis

Paper 3: Supporting collaborative inquiry during a biology field trip with mobile peer-to-peer tools for learning: A case study with K-12 learners

Reference: Laru, J., Järvelä, S., & Clariana, R. B. (2012). Supporting collaborative inquiry during a biology field trip with mobile peer-to-peer tools for learning: a case study with K-12 learners. Interactive Learning Environments, 20(2), 103-117. Abstract: This study explores how collaborative inquiry learning can be supported with multiple scaffolding agents in a real-life field trip…

papers thesis

Paper 2: Social-patterns-in-mobile-technology-mediated-collaboration-among-members-of-the-professional-distance-education-community

Abstract: The aim of this study was to identify social patterns in mobile technology mediated collaboration among distributedmembers of the professional distance education community. Ten participants worked for twelve weeks designing amaster’s programme in Information Sciences. The participants’ mobile technology usage activity and interview datawere first analyzed to get an overview of the density and…

papers thesis

Paper 1: Scaffolding different learning activities with mobile tools in three everyday contexts.

Abstract: The aim of the study is to apply the theoretical framework of collaborative learning and distributed cognition for developing mobile tools which scaffolds people’s everyday learning and information searching and processing needs. This study includes experimental case studies conducted in natural settings with randomly sampled or conveniently selected subjects. Contexts of the case studies varies from the urban…

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